
Creating a safer workplace with 纯粹的空间

“安全吗?”?这是世界各地无数在家工作数月后重返职场的员工都在问自己的问题. 纯粹的空间, a new product from 亿宝彩票app, aims to help employees reconnect with their work environments, by ensuring a hygienic, safe place to work.


新冠肺炎大流行严重扰乱了人们的工作和生活方式. 在一个又一个国家,员工被遣送回家,以减少感染的风险. ‘Social distancing’ has now become synonymous with ‘safety’. The resulting disconnect has been both physical and emotional. 纯粹的空间 is designed to repair this disruption, 这样员工就会觉得他们回到了一个安全的工作环境. 

Making places safe again 

The challenge is two-fold. Companies need to re-establish the physical connection, 通过将员工带回一个符合更高卫生标准的工作环境. And they need to restore the emotional connection, by building employees’ confidence in the safety of their workplace. 

纯粹的空间 addresses both of those challenges in three ways: 

  • 重视卫生,通过标准化措施消除交叉感染源, third-party verified processes and procedures 
  • By providing objective ways of measuring cleaning efficacy 
  • By making cleaning activities more visible for employees 
Prioritising hygiene for high-touch surfaces 

纯粹的空间专注于最大限度地提高卫生水平,消除交叉感染源. 标准的清洁产品往往侧重于可见的清洁度和任务频率-例如, 多久清洁一次地板,或者地板看起来有多干净——但没有把重点放在清洁高接触表面,并确保它们没有微生物. 

然而, research indicates that a virus applied to a high-contact surface, such as a doorknob or a tabletop, 能在2 - 4小时内感染工作场所内40-60%的人吗. 

纯粹的空间 analyses all traffic and touchpoints, 识别高接触表面,并根据环境制定卫生计划. 这包括使用正确的清洁产品,以确保高接触区域在消毒后数小时内保持安全. As Joseph Nazareth, Head of 亿宝彩票app Group Health, 安全, 和质量, 解释了, “我们从多年在洁净室环境中工作的经验中获得了灵感, hospitals and healthcare organisations, where hygiene and disinfection are more important. 通过纯粹的空间,我们将这些需求转移到办公环境中.” 

此外,纯粹的空间所使用的流程、程序和培训都经过了 DNV GL,是全球领先的风险管理和质量保证认证机构之一. “我们的目标是通过采取正确的卫生和消毒方法,增加员工对工作环境清洁度的信任. 使用经过客观第三方验证的方法可以帮助我们实现这一目标,约瑟夫说. 

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“我们从多年在洁净室环境中工作的经验中获得了灵感, hospitals and healthcare organisations, where hygiene and disinfection are more important. 通过纯粹的空间,我们将这些需求转移到办公环境中.”

Joseph Nazareth, Head of 亿宝彩票app Group Health, 安全, 和质量
From “It looks clean” to “I know it’s clean” 

纯粹的空间还通过提供可见的亿宝彩票app官网,帮助员工恢复信心, scientific proof that a space is clean. 

“我们倾向于用自己的眼睛来判断遗产清理亿宝彩票app官网的产出,”约瑟夫说. “通过纯粹的空间,我们使用科学技术来测试和验证洁净度.” 

纯粹的空间采用ATP技术,科学测量清洗效果. ATP stands for Adenosine triphosphate, a molecule found only in and around living cells, 因此可以用来测量微生物的浓度和卫生水平. “With this technology, 我们正在从对清洁的主观评估转向客观评估, using a proven scientific measurement,” Joseph 解释了. 这个事实, 以证据为基础的方法有助于消除任何怀疑,即一个区域是干净的,准备工作. 

Visibility leads to peace of mind  

沟通是让员工安心的另一个关键因素. The results of the ATP testing are made available to employees, 这样他们就可以看到比分,知道他们所在区域发生了什么. This open communication helps to reassure employees, 让他们感到放松,能够在工作环境中实现自己的目标.  

In addition to the ATP score, 还有其他一些明显的迹象可以帮助员工恢复对工作场所安全的信心. 

约瑟夫说:“从历史上看,清洁工作是在员工回家后进行的。. “纯粹的空间 happens during the day, while people are at the office, so they can actually see it being done.“这种对卫生的关注还有一个额外的好处,那就是鼓励员工改变自己的行为, so that they contribute to keeping the workplace safe for everyone. 

Same high standard across all locations 

对于全球性公司或拥有多个办事处的公司,纯粹的空间提供所有地点的标准化亿宝彩票app官网. So staff can be confident that, wherever they work, the same high standard of hygiene has been implemented. 

“By implementing the same product across buildings, regions and geographies, we can then measure it on a cross-country, globalised basis. This allows us to upgrade it faster, 并在一个标准产品上测试其最广泛意义上的功效. 以这种方式, we can move and change over time, as insights develop into the best way of doing this,约瑟夫说. 

More than a pandemic solution 

而纯粹的空间的开发是为了解决一个非常具体的情况, 约瑟夫认为,在COVID-19大流行结束后,许多组成部分将继续存在. 

“虽然其中许多规划内容都是在考虑到冠状病毒的情况下制定的, 它们也与我们如何创造更健康的工作环境以及我们如何支持更健康的建筑理念的更大讨论有关. 我相信我们有机会在更广泛的意义上改善人民的福祉, not just because they are healthier, but also because they have a greater peace of mind.” 

Want to know more?

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